Monday, January 26, 2009

Back to blogging ...

Sorry for the neglect of the blog this winter. I've been busy with some things, but I've also been trying to decide on a direction for this blog, rather than just spewing out whatever comes to mind. After a few failed (in my mind at least) series, I've decided to get back to basics -- that is, back to serious topics (for the most part), and back to scriptural topics. I'd like to use this space as an outlet for the things I am learning, both in classes and my own study. They may not be overly funny (if you thought they were at all in the first place), but it's the way to go for me. I should have a post up shortly beginning this new trend, and hopefully we can all be part of a dialogue on the topics raised here. Feel free to use the comments section (constructively please -- calling me an idiot might be true, but not very helpful or insightful) to share your own thoughts and reactions. Thanks for reading.

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