Monday, September 8, 2008

Update on my hypocrisy

Quick post today. I've been thinking a lot about my last post, and the whole Christian parody thing, and how my whole series kind of violates my own ideals. Last time I pledged to think of a new title, but I fast started to realize that the whole concept on these posts is satirical and based on the model from the ads I'm mimicking. So all that to say, I'm going to keep the original title and style, even though it is clearly a parody much like those I made fun of.

Why? A few reasons. One, it's funny. It's a great concept that those ad gurus have set forth. Plus, they always say imitation is the highest form of flattery. Two, the reasons Christian knock-off t-shirts seem ridiculous to me is not just that they copy a recognized logo or slogan. It's that they do it ALL the time, and they're usually not very funny, or even clever. It's primarily a taste thing for me, and while some people might enjoy it and like them, I just think it's kind of cheesy. I'd like to think that what I'm doing with these posts both serves a real purpose and is larger than just the shell of a radio commercial. And finally, parody can be a great form of humor, if done well and in moderation. I'd like to think I am doing it well (though you may disagree), and it's not like all of my posts are knock-offs of some kind.

In summary, I guess it's kind of like the difference between liking Weird Al Yankovic and buying his CDs. I've always heard some of Weird Al's songs and thought some of them were pretty funny. So one day I bought one of his CDs ... not so funny. He's a great distraction and sideshow, but no one could ever really take him seriously as a real artist. It's just not the nature of his game. So in closing, I guess the less I resemble Weird Al, the better.

Actually, that's true on a great many levels, in all facets of my life. Words to live by ...


Unknown said...

I'm VERY grateful that you don't resemble Weird Al in ANY way. Although you would understand my crazy hair a lot better if you did...

Mark Henderson said...

I wish you had hair like Weird Al. It would be super cool. I also wish that you could play the acordian. Then you could lead worship with it. I'm sure that would draw people closer to God. Chris, you are limiting yourself and you are limiting how God can use you. To the Jews I become Jewish, to Gentiles I become Gentile. Weird Al falls in the first of those... Who is going to reach him?