Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Breaking news: I have become "that guy" ...

Yes, folks, it is with great humility and sadness that I admit that I have become "that guy." I have started a blog. I didn't meant for it to turn out this way -- things just kinda happened. And before I knew it, there I was. A blogger. Sigh ...

Perhaps I should explain a bit. I kinda have a history of doing this. See, when MySpace first came out, I mocked. Why be friends with people on the internet when you can be friends in real life? Lame. But, in May of 2006, I was a not-so-proud member of MySpace. Then came Facebook. Yet again I mocked. Facebook is dumb -- you can't have cool songs on your profile. Plus, what's with the whole "poke" thing? Creepy ...

Yet again, in March (or so) 2007, I joined up. I at least had the self-respect to delete my MySpace profile, as I refused to be a part of two social networking sites at the same time. But I succumbed to the social expectations and listed all my hobbies and interests for anyone that wanted to be my "friend" could see.

And now, blogging. I've made fun of blogs for a long time now. I'm not completely anti-blog, because there are a lot of people who are smart and important enough to blog and have people care. Guys like Albert Mohler and many other evangelical leaders have stepped up and used this format to provide an intelligent and reasoned voice on a great many current events and hot topics, and I have gladly read and supported their efforts. Many others outside the Christian world have valuable insights and reports on blogs that are a great help to the masses. But that's just the thing: people actually care what they have to say. And let's be honest. The average blogger is not exactly on an intellectual or journalistic plane with the really useful blogs. It's often just a guy (or gal) who think he's a little better writer than he actually is, commenting on things he has little clue about. Or it's a guy that wants everyone to know what happened to him that day, with little regard for how interested anyone actually is. For them, perhaps that is helpful. For me, it just wasn't really my thing.

I doubt anyone is scouring the internet to get my input on the upcoming election, or the struggle in Iraq. I doubt even more seriously that anyone cares to get online and read a glorified version of my diary, detailing what I did today and who said what, and why I'm mad at so-and-so because she talked about me behind my back. Lucky for you, the reader (if there are any at all), I have no intention of venting about my emotional frustrations, nor do I have any delusion that what I have to say is so important that it demands its own corner of the web and your attention.

No, this isn't really about that at all. It's really nothing more than an echo of what the Lord is doing in and through me. I have no idea whether that's of interest to you or not, but it seems worth writing about to me. He's taken me on an amazing journey in the 24 (almost 25!) years of my life thus far, down many roads I never thought I'd see, and blessed me in some tremendous ways. It's not that my life is so important, but that his doings are worthy of reflection and recollection. That's why I've titled the blog, "lines on the road." It's a phrase from a Derek Webb song, "Faith My Eyes" (If you haven't heard it, stop immediately and go listen to it. Seriously. Do it.), as he reflects on where the Lord has led him. Similarly, as I'm led down the road to wherever it is I'm going, this is a place for me to document what it is I see and hear.

It certainly won't be all serious, and I surely hope they're not all this long. I'll be as likely to comment on a sports story or a funny picture as much as on a serious event or insight. Maybe it will be useful, entertaining, or insightful to you.

Or maybe you'll think I'm just being "that guy."

1 comment:

Amy said...

welcome to the world of blogging:) glad to see this day has finally come! if your entries influence people as much as your friendship has impacted my life, anyone who reads this will be very fortunate.

and yes, i really mean the above:) cherish it, you don't hear encouraging words from me often, right? haha...

and just remember...give credit where credit is due;) that's a...threat.