Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Real Evangelicals of Genius 0:-D

That's a halo emoticon in the title, in case you didn't know,
and he's smiling so big because he has the joy of the Lord, just like Super
Christian here. Just FYI ...

It is with great pleasure and anticipation that I announce the beginning of a new series. If you've grown up in the church like me, you have no doubt noticed some select groups of people who exhibit unusual behavior in the church. These people mean well, for sure, but sometimes their thoughts and behavior betray something beneath the surface that may be less than desirable for believers. So in a light hearted, firmly tongue-in-cheek approach, I hope to describe some of these groups of people and offer some thoughts on their eccentricities.

This won't be a regular series, necessarily, and I'll have some random posts in between each one. In all reality, it will probably be something of an ongoing feature to break the routine occasionally. Hopefully you will enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed thinking about them. So stay tuned, the first installment will come later this week or early in the next!

DISCLAIMER: Please don't be offended by any of these posts, even if you might fall into one of the categories to some extent (I doubt any of these people exist in the extremity that I plan on describing them). The truth is, I know some of the people will describe me well ... uncomfortably well, at times. Please understand that my intention is only to have some fun in a satirical manner, and offer some legitimate thoughts underlying some of the ridiculousness.


Devin Maureen said...

I grew up in the church and look forward to seeing what you have to say =]

Anonymous said...

Dude, satire looses it's power when you have to explain it. I guess that's part of the joy of being a Christian...not getting jokes.